Pt.Seminar: Digital Citymakers
Register for our virtual event
Wednesday, November 25th 2020
Digital transformation permeates every aspect of everyday life. But is the role of citizens limited to the generation of data in a system of global surveillance and targeted marketing? Are digital assets at a similar risk of being sold off for profit as physical urban commons? Facing these questions, activists join together in global networks and local spaces to advocate for equitable digital cities.
City makers have always been working to (co)produce and shape urban space: reactivating underused spaces, setting impulses for community life and creative expression, raising awareness through public interventions. Although digital transformation adds new threats and layers of complexity, it also provides city makers with new tools. Local communities are empowered to collect data and adopt digital tools to solve real-world problems. At the same time, their initiatives are linked in global networks of open-source platforms, allowing local solutions to be replicated and adapted to other contexts.
This Pt.Seminar presents four approaches of “digital city makers” to make an impact on their environment. In an open dialogue between city makers, urban planners and researchers we will uncover the forces that work towards and against the democratization of digital transformation in cities.

17:00 Introduction and Welcome by Agnes Förster and Martin Bangratz
Digital Citymakers: Co-producing the Digital City
17:15 Ivan Iovine
Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD
Smarticipate – Opening Up the Smart City
Manon Brulard
Open Knowledge Belgium | HackYourFuture Belgium
Using Technology to Drive Equality
18:00 Panel Discussion: Co-producing the Digital City
Panelists from academia, civil society initiatives, foundations, and local
governments discuss: What do Digital Citymakers contribute to their cities?
18:30 Parallel Themed Workshops: Perspectives on Digital Citymaking
Join the experts and other participants in interactive sessions to discover more
about the origins, objectives, challenges, and contributions of Digital Citymakers
Virtual | Physical
The Meaning of Space for Digital Engagement
Community | Empowerment
The Development of Knowledge, Networks, and Agency
Urban | Gap
The Contribution to Urban Development
Data | Activism
Open Data as a Resource and an Attitude
19:10 Concluding remarks
19:30 End of event